Based on true events, the story is set against the violent backdrop of the Gorkhaland Agitation of the late 80s in the hills of West Bengal. The Wonder Years meets The Killing Fields in this emotional, sensitive, funny, heartbreaking true story of love, loss, memories, longing, and a revolution. This Fingerprint! original is a must-read for all! ? The story is based on true events ? It is set against the violent backdrop of the Gorkhaland Agitation of the late 80s ? It is a tale of love, loss, memories, longing, and a revolution ? The characters and gripping plots will keep the readers hooked ? An excellent collectable for gifting and personal keepsake
The Hills are Burning
Three 16-year-old friends studying at a boarding school in Kalimpong? Tukai, Norong, and Rupesh experience love, friendship, loyalty but are forced to grow up when they come face-to-face with death, destruction, and violence.
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