Win Your Inner Battles
රු2,300.00Do you want to change your career? Start a business? Stop losing sleep over a deadline? End your relationship? Or maybe, just live a fulfilling life? Everyone has goals and ambitions in life. But we often don’t pursue our inner desires because of one thing: Fear and a lack of self-confidence.
Think Straight
රු2,500.00I know something about you without knowing you. I bet you spend A LOT of time in your head. You know, thinking, worrying, stressing, freaking out — call it whatever you want. I call it a preoccupied mind. And with what?
What It Takes to be Free
රු2,500.00This book is for people who also believe personal freedom is the most important thing in life.
In our free world, we can do what want, spend time with people we like, and have a career that gives us joy. And yet, we don’t use our freedom. Why is that?
Road to Better Habits
රු2,500.00The most difficult aspect of growing as person is changing your habits. The human mind finds a certain comfort in repeated actions and following a known path, which also applies to the habits that might be a hindrance to your success and peace.
In this updated and expanded version of The Road To Better Habits, you’ll learn how to transform your habits in a SIMPLE way. Ultimately, where you are in your life is a result of your habits. The American historian and philosopher, Will Durant, said it best:
Do It Today – Overcome procrastination
රු2,300.00The International Bestseller: DO IT TODAY
Are you also tired of putting off your dreams until “tomorrow?” Guess what! Tomorrow never comes. Am I right?
I’ve procrastinated and putt off my desire to write a book for a decade. I always came up with excuses like, “it’s not the right time.” Or, “I need to do more research.”
But in 2015 I got tired of this endless procrastination, and finally took action. Six months later, my first book was published.
Look, we all have limited time on our hands. And we’re getting closer to death every single minute. That shouldn’t scare. That should motivate you!Focus on What Matters: A Collection of Stoic Letters on Living Well
රු2,950.00Why is it so hard to live well amidst the chaos and noise? While you might think this is a problem of the modern world, it’s a timeless issue.
2000 years ago, the ancient Stoics talked about the exact same challenges we’re facing today, like:
- How can we find inner peace?
- What does it take to be happy?
- Can we become more resilient?